Monday, December 7, 2015

A Stress Free Christmas

With Thanksgiving behind us and the Christmas season underway, it may be time to determine what you "really" want to do for the holidays.  Even though Christmas can be a happy and fun filled time of year, it can bring its own stressors. Where do you fall on the holiday stress continuum?  Most of us fall somewhere in the middle.  Before the season is in full swing, take time to set priorities and remember to
include downtime for yourself.

If hosting Christmas dinner is on your list this year,  remember, you don't have to do all the cooking.
Try cooking the turkey, dressing, ham and beverages.  Have each guest bring a dish.  Your guests don't want you to be frazzled and unable to enjoy your day, besides they want to help, so don't deny them this gift.  If you find it necessary for rounding out your menu, co-ordinate with your guests what food dishes will compliment dinner.  Many times, suggestions help and you will feel better about your meal planing.

Now that you have a plan in place for Christmas dinner, its time to finish holiday shopping, remember to keep your list within time and budget constraints. The Christmas holiday is about enjoying time with family and friends, so take time during a shopping day to have lunch with friends or even better, a trip to the spa.

An ounce of prevention: remember to slow down, take a few deep breaths and find a quiet place for meditation or a walk.  You're worth it.  If you are relaxed and centered, you will bring peace and joy to those around you.  After all, joy, peace, love and happiness are the messages the season brings.

Wishing you the best the season!

The Black Walnut Nuts   :-)))

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